Serving as snackable — and often laughable — bits of visual content, GIFs assistance us accurately convey our thoughts and feelings when nosotros're limited to virtual communication.

The trouble is, finding the perfect GIF by hunting through Google Image Search or that desktop folder of your favorites can take way more time than information technology'due south worth.

Finding the right GIF doesn't accept to be a lengthy process, you but accept to know where to await. To aid, we've collected 10 awesome websites beneath that'll assistance you find what you're looking for apace, without forcing you to lower your GIF standards.

(Or, want to create your very own GIF? Check out this tutorial to learn how to make an blithe GIF in Photoshop.)

Notation: Some of these websites might characteristic GIFs that are NSFW.

Free Download: How to Use Photos in Marketing


This is my go-to resources for GIF hunting. Launched past Alex Chung and Jace Cooke, GIPHY started out as a search engine for GIFs. They've grown GIPHY significantly by partnering with brands, introducing integrations, creating browser extensions, and much more. (To catch up on all of their expansion efforts, cheque out GIPHY Labs.)

Giphy Categories pages

The all-time function? Navigating the database of GIFs couldn't be easier: Users can browse categories — Adjectives, Music, Nature, Science, etc. — or seek out a specific word or phrase using the search functionality.

2. Reddit

Reddit is like the mothership for GIFs: The community boasts non one, merely several impressive GIF-related subreddits. Here are a few noteworthy ones:

  • /r/gifs/
  • /r/reactiongifs
  • /r/analogygifs
  • /r/highqualitygifs
  • /r/dancegifs

While all of the different, categorized options make information technology easy for you to notice what you demand, many of these subreddits commit to a series of guidelines to refine their entries fifty-fifty further. For example, while "reaction gifs" and "analogy gifs" may sound pretty similar, at that place's actually a departure according to the /r/reactiongif's wiki folio. Allow me to demonstrate...

Reaction GIF

I don't know virtually you but when I notice out payday is coming up I react similar:

Reddit reaction GIF

Image Source

Analogy GIF

When I try answering emails earlier my coffee, I feel similar:

Reddit analogy GIF

Prototype Source

As explained on the /r/reactiongif's wiki page, "A reaction gif is a concrete or emotional response that is captured in a .gif which yous can link in response to someone or something on the Net. A gif which is a metaphorical reaction to something does not qualify equally a reaction gif. More often than not speaking, most posts that employ the term "How I Feel When" are analogy gifs."

3. Tumblr

Tumblr is a huge blogging platform where GIFs are made and shared like crazy. Bloggers on this platform exercise an excellent job of pairing relevant GIFs with relatable scenarios. In that location'south plenty of blogs dedicated to sharing funny GIFs daily, but my favorite ones to share on a Mon would exist in hashtags like #work-memes #workfromhome and more.

For example:

Tumblr funny work meme GIF

Image Source

Nosotros all know that feeling — correct? (If non, so I must ask you, what's information technology like to be perfect?)

Anyways, all you have to do is use the top search bar to lookup hashtags of the content you lot're looking for, or follow some blog pages that are dedicated to uploading GIFs daily. GIFs featured on Tumblr are either handmade in Photoshop by the creators or sourced from different websites, and they're pretty proficient about giving credit where credit is due.

4. Gfycat

Gfycat is another gallery with millions of GIFs to dive into. Not but is information technology one of the most popular GIF sites, simply it has an easy Video-to-Gif creator tool to plow your favorite Twitter, Vimeo, and Twitch streams into your library of memes.

Navigate its selection of GIFs from the search bar or left carte, choosing from the latest "Trending" or "Explore" section to find different popular categories of GIFs or stickers.

And who would I exist to share a site called "Gfycat" without an obligatory cat GIF?

Gfycat cat GIF

Image Source

5. Tenor

Tenor is a great manner to throw a relatable GIF into whatever conversation, whether on your PC or iPhone.

Tenor mobile GIF keyboard

Having funny GIFs at your fingertips is a dandy way to share a quick express mirth with your friends and family. All you accept to do is blazon in how y'all're feeling on your phone'southward keyboard and Tenor will automatically start populating tons of GIFs. Perfect for putting in your conversation with cousin Katy who still gets a boot out of watching America's Funniest Domicile Videos.

6. Reaction GIFs

This site serves up an appropriate GIF for merely almost anything yous're thinking. Depending on what you're searching for, in that location are several dissimilar means to uncover a perfect lucifer.

One mode is to use the dropdown menus on the right side of the site. These menus allow users to surface GIFs that match a specific feeling (tired, dislocated, proud, etc.) or respond (yep, no, undecided, etc.). For example, a search for "excited" might surface something similar this:Excited Perfect GIF Tina Fey

Users also have the option to search by galleries or tags. Galleries are organized into categories such as "OMG," "Dance Party," and "LOL," but there'south plenty more tags to explore.

seven. GIFbin

Here's another stellar resource for uncovering GIFs.

On GIFbin, users tin can filter thumbnails by "Newest," "Elevation Rated," and "Near Viewed," or past tags. The interesting matter about GIFbin's tag system is that they are categorized by both proper name and count.

While the names are pretty standard search terms — animals, babies, sports, etc. — the count characteristic allows you to easily uncover terms with the highest volume of available GIFs. Check it out:

GIFbin Browse Gif Tags page

Or if y'all've got too much costless time on your easily like me, click through the rabbit hole— I mean— "random GIF" button for endless fun.

eight. Imgur

Ah yes, Imgur, the Reddit of GIF sites without all the text threads.

Imgur is an prototype hosting site that shares an array of funny or cool GIFs. It's library is a mix between new uploads and even some of my favorites from the 2010s.

Imgur perfect GIF lotr

Paradigm Source

Search upwards whatever tags for all the funny movie edits, or whatsoever else you're interested in via Imgur.

ix. Imgflip

Imgflip is another extensive library of GIFs. In that location are a few ways to browse Imgflip content, as detailed on the website:

  • Hot/Latest images on the homepage
  • Utilize the Previous / Next / Random navigation on paradigm pages
  • Utilise the hotkeys every bit described on prototype pages
  • Tag pages (such as cats)
  • Meme pages such every bit Grumpy Cat, found on the meme templates page

imgflip GIF gallery

If you like a little competition, yous can create your own GIFs and earn a spot on the leaderboard. If your GIF gets upvoted enough, y'all tin can bask in the glory of making strangers on the internet express mirth.

10. Gyazo

Last just non to the lowest degree, we accept Gyazo. This website is a bit different from the others, but with this tool you can capture your PC screen (like a clip instead of a screenshot) and create GIFs out of them. Made to convert footage into GIFs quickly, it stores your library in your account, so y'all tin can link or download your favorite GIFs whenever you want.

Every bit a unlike method to making your own GIFs, Gyazo makes it easy to create, store, and share your favorite GIFs with your favorite people.

For your viewing pleasure, savor some GIFception as I used Gyazo myself to make a GIF out of a video of someone using Gyazo to make a GIF.

Gyazo gif maker video

Image Source

Why You Should Utilise GIFs in a Business organisation Setting

On a more serious note, GIFs are another form of visual content that tin can be used for both fun, and strategically for marketing. For businesses, they tin can be a tool to demonstrate company culture and drive more than engagement past appealing to customers looking for actuality.

Internal Use

On an internal level, exchanging GIFs in conversation or including them throughout presentations can assist break up the monotony of twenty-four hours-to-day concern.

Adding some level of quirkiness in meetings or seminars tin go on employees more than engaged and satisfied than otherwise. Plus, it never hurts to share a quick express joy in the office, as long as yous don't get too carried away.

External Utilise

55% of B2C content creators say that creating or sharing visual content is a big priority for them presently. Similar to videos or alive recordings, using GIFs to convey ideas in a business organization setting offers viewers visuals that are more stimulating than text-only content.

For instance, when people hear information, they're probable to think only 10% of that information three days later. However, if a relevant image is paired with that same information, people retain 65% of the data three days later.

Too, using GIFs on social media accounts is a great way to catch the attending of potential customers. Whether information technology'due south Instagram, Twitter, or a blogging platform, adding a visual like GIFs to your post can show useful to a concern.

The World is Your Epitome Library

There'southward enough of websites to choose from when it comes to finding some pretty cool GIFs. Whether you lot need to transport 1 to your coworker'south altogether email chain, or make your brother, Trevor, laugh at the dinner table, we hope this listing helps narrow down your search for the perfect GIF.

Editor'south annotation: This post was originally published in January 2016 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published May 13, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated May 13 2021