Acupuncture, Spleen ix & Weight Loss

How acupuncture tin can assist with weight loss.

Acupuncture and herbs are powerful tools for ensuring digestive wellness.

Often with the plow of the new year, in that location is a goal to focus on our physical wellness, including weight loss. I'thousand often asked if acupuncture can aid with weight loss, and the answer is yep, of course in conjunction with good diet and practise. Both acupuncture and herbs tin assistance with the healthy functioning of the digestive system and metabolism.

Co-ordinate to Chinese medicine, excess weight is often attributed to what we refer to as dampness. Two of the main organs that deal with digestion are the stomach and spleen, and their part is to transform and ship the food and beverage nosotros take in. Dampness is not a normal diagnostic term used in western medicine, merely information technology is easy to understand. When the spleen and tum are working together digestion runs smoothly, water and nutrients are well absorbed, and the trunk metabolizes nutrient and fluid intake well.

When these two organs are not working in harmony, due to stress, over eating or eating a lot of greasy food and even dairy, dampness tin can occur. Backlog water in the system doesn't move well and symptoms such as edema, swelling, bloating, gas, diarrhea or loose stools, encephalon fog, sluggishness, difficulty with urination, and achey joints and heavy limbs (particularly if these get worse with damp weather) tin can be experienced.

Ii points come to mind to assist with weight loss. One is an auricular betoken on the ear chosen the "hunger" indicate or "appetite command" indicate as it helps with excessive appetite. The other is Spleen 9, named "Yin Ling Quan" or Yin Mound Jump, whose primary function is to resolve dampness. It can be very tender when in that location are symptoms of dampness. Information technology is located on the inside of the leg, under the articulatio genus in the soft spot simply next to the border of the top of the tibia and calve muscle. Points are never used by themselves equally stand alone treatments, and then other points would exist chosen to help bring back the healthy performance of organs and systems. But if you are experiencing symptoms of dampness, self acupressure at Spleen 9 would exist very beneficial.

May all your new year's goals exist manageable and attained!

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